A summary of UM's conversations, presentations, and provocations during Lockdown. 3rd April Brian Deegan and John Dales take part in the Climate Safe Streets webinar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd-wd3Ast2U 14th April Brian Deegan leads Ideas with Beers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyVjCleTleY&t=3s Speakers: Mark Strong (Transport Initiatives) general commentary 0:00, Dr Robert Davis (RDRF) weekly update 8:25, General discussion 14:30 21st April Brian Deegan leads Ideas with Beers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyKzc22oWXU&t=15s Speakers: Guilio Ferrini (Sustrans) Tactical Urbanism during COVID 0:00, Steve Connor (Creative Concern) Manchester City centre pedestrianisation 17:35, Peter Biczok (Remix) 27:18, Dr Robert Davis (RDRF) weekly update 30:33, Mark Strong (Transport Initiatives) Brighton and the first closure during COVID 41:00 23rd April Brian Deegan takes part in the PTRC Fireside Chat – Coronavirus and future of transport planning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yf1zM0hqMXU 24th April John Dales writes for Living Streets about how he has been noticing some new and interesting things in his local community - https://www.livingstreets.org.uk/news-and-blog/blog/walkingfromhome-john-dales 27th April Christopher Martin writes for Living Streets on How the 'COVID Safe Streets' of today can become the 'Climate Safe Streets' of tomorrow - https://www.livingstreets.org.uk/news-and-blog/blog/walkingfromhome-christopher-martin 28th April Brian Deegan leads Ideas with Beers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8TKJPS70rs # Speakers: Claire Stocks (WalkRideGM) How to position walking and cycling during the covid crisis 0:00 Caspar Hugest (XR) the XR persepctive 24:35, Roxanne De Beaux (CCC) Cambridge Cycling Campaign perspective and Space to Breathe launch 37:40, Michael Robinson (Hounslow Cycling Campaign) review of new infrastructure 1:01, Dr Robert Davis (RDRF) weekly update 1:02:45 28th April John Dales talks at UDL's workshop on Creating Inclusive & Accessible Streets, building on his ongoing work to update the 1998 Guidance on the Use of Tactile Paving Surface) - https://www.urbandesignlondon.com/library/event-takeaways/event-takeaway-creating-inclusive-accessible-streets-280420/ also https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/accessible-public-realm-updating-guidance-and-further-research 1st May John Dales provides an overview of the legal aspects of implementing emergency active travel measures for UDL Managing Streets During Lockdown - https://www.urbandesignlondon.com/library/videos/managing-streets-during-lockdown/ 5th May Brian Deegan leads Ideas with Beers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViXfin42I7Q&t=1860s Speakers: Dr Robert Davis (RDRF) weekly update 0:00, Isabelle Clement (Wheels for Wellbeing) Heading for post lockdown disability Armageddon 12:02, Brian Deegan (Urban Movement) 12 Emergency temporary options 31:18 10th May Christopher Martin writes for the Built Environment Journal about Hedonistic Urbanism - how we connect self-Interest and societal good for life-saving streets - https://www.alexandrinepress.co.uk/Covid19-Space 12th May Brian Deegan leads Ideas with Beers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUgW7nNTGM8 Speakers: Will Haynes (Sustrans) Space to Move 0:00, Brian Deegan (Urban Movement) Side Road Zebras 5:38, Dr Robert Davis (RDRF) weekly update 46:18 12th May Christopher Martin co-author's the Urban Design Group's proposition for how to 'Redesign our towns + cities as people-friendly places in order to address Covid-19' - http://www.udg.org.uk/content/life-saving-streets 13th May Brian Deegan speaks to Peter Murray of New London Architecture - https://nla.london/videos/streets-for-walking-and-cycling 14th May Christopher Martin leads the Urban Design Group conversation on 'Streets, Transport, and Movement' with expert guests Cllr Anna Richardson, Chris Boardman, Brian Deegan, and John Dales https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxgdTtpXf7k 19th May Brian Deegan leads Ideas with Beers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry1ltza4fPw Speakers: Dr Robert Davis (RDRF) weekly update 0:00, David McKenna (Street Spirit) 7 Design principles for pop up highway infratsructure23:59, Tom Knights (Strava) Exploring Strava data 34:12, Brian Deegan (Urban Movement) Temporary Junction design 46:25 26th May Brian Deegan leads Ideas with Beers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJgAe-k6AwU&t=1378s & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU1tUYmKAxU Speakers: Dr Robert Davis (RDRF) weekly update 0:00, Lucy Marstrand-Taussig (Consultant) Kids ‘n COVID23:02, Robin Lovelace (Transport Institute) Rapid Cycleways Prioritisation tool 41;25 Part 2: Sally Watson (Newcastle Cycling Campaign) Transport Planning and Advocacy in a Pandemic 0:00 29th May Brian Deegan takes part in the IWGB Cycling instructors conference https://www.facebook.com/IWGBunion/videos/iwgb-cycling-instructors-conference/583426622302076/ 29th May John Dales talks Emergency School Streets and why we need space reallocation, not just traffic restrictions at UDL Managing Streets During Lockdown - https://www.urbandesignlondon.com/library/videos/managing-streets-during-lockdown-school-streets/ 1st June Christopher Martin delivers an address at the launch of the Design Quality Unit, calling for the quality we need in our built environment to defeat this crisis and defend ourselves against the looming environmental crisis. The event was hosted by Roger Harrabin (BBC Energy and Environment Analyst) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvOg9SPIhto&feature=youtu.be 2nd June Brian Deegan leads Ideas with Beers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZRUelSYTa0 Speakers: Dr Robert Davis (RDRF) weekly update 0:00, Sylvia (@cricklewoodmum) School Streets 26:18, Roxanne De Beaux (CCC) Cambridge Cycling Campaign perspective and Space to Breathe update 39:08, John Dales (Urban Movement) 1930’s Cycleways 52:44 5th June Christopher Martin leads an expert panel to develop a framework for 'Life Saving Streets. Street layout and design during and after a pandemic' with Brian Deegan as part of the Urban Design Group ideasSPACE series - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESpNacl3O1g 8th June Brian Deegan takes part in the British Cycling webinar on Activism https://register.gotowebinar.com/recording/7290325449563337227 https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/coaching/article/20200417-coaching-static-content-Webinars-and-Live-Events-0 9th June Brian Deegan leads Ideas with Beers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5xhckC42LU&t=13s Speakers: Dr Robert Davis (RDRF) weekly update 0:00, Marcus Jones (TRL) Side Road zebra crossings 25:56, Phil Jones (PJA) Simple Zebras – legally simple 43:53, Brian Deegan (Urban Movement) Temporary Active Priority Junctions and Mixing Zones 53:32 9th June John Dales talks School Streets at a UDL Councillors event - https://youtu.be/RknNqxhfhDA 12th June Brian Deegan takes part in the Urban Design London event – New Space for Cycling. Managing streets during lockdown. https://www.urbandesignlondon.com/library/videos/managing-streets-during-lockdown-new-space-cycling-120620/ 16th June Brian Deegan leads Ideas with Beers - https://youtu.be/cwbnfjSI3iE Speakers: Simon Munk (LCC) Getting Political Will 0:00, Dr Robert Davis (RDRF) weekly update 10:36, Ben Addy (Sustrans) Community engagement during lockdown 27:46. 17th June Brian Deegan takes part in the Rapid Cycleways prioritisation tool webinar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mk_WDBAwoBE 19th June Christopher Martin talks alongside Martyn Evans of U+I at the Academy of Urbanism Lunch Hour, on a creative approach to the design of streets and transport systems around the idea of Hedonistic Urbanism - https://www.academyofurbanism.org.uk/events/urbanism-lunch-hour-behaviour-change-and-urban-design/www.academyofurbanism.org.uk/events/urbanism-lunch-hour-behaviour-change-and-urban-design/ 1st July Christopher Martin writes for the Urban Design Group Journal - 'Urban Design' - on how we need to connect human self-interest to societal good if we are to change behaviours and make cities healthier and more fun for everyone. ![]()
CHANNEL LINKS FOR REGULAR EVENTS Ideas with Beers, with Brian Deegan - https://www.youtube.com/user/bobeygoro Urban Design Group ideasSPACE, with Christopher Martin - https://www.youtube.com/user/UrbanDesignGroup/featured
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