Ealing Urban Realm Strategy | LB Ealing
This commission was for the preparation of a Borough-wide Urban Realm Strategy to guide all future interventions in Ealing’s streets and spaces. The Council already had a Highways Design Guide which focuses on details and materials – essentially a ‘how to’ guide. The URS, by contrast, focuses on the questions of why?, what? and where? Our work not only set out design principles and applied them to different types of generic location (e.g. retail centres, commercial areas and residential areas), but also showed how the principles should apply to Ealing’s five main town centres. It is the intention that the initial strategy to be applied in due course to other specific parts of the Borough, such as key corridors and local centres.
Following on from this borough-wide Strategy, we were commissioned to prepare a more detailed strategy for Southall. This task comprised the identification of a cohesive and mutually-supporting series of public realm intervention opportunities, together with concept designs. A key focus of this work was to inspire local businesses to work in partnership with the Council in delivering these projects according to a clear but flexible programme. |