Aylesbury Gardenway | Buckinghamshire Council
Urban Movement was commissioned by Buckinghamshire Council to lead on the strategic development and production of RIBA Stage 2 designs for a new 18km orbital park in and around Aylesbury, forming the future Gardenway.
The Gardenway is a fundamental element of the Aylesbury Garden Town masterplan which will link up existing Aylesbury neighbourhoods with the communities of new residential developments being built around its south and east edges. The Gardenway is a series of ‘braided’ walking and cycling routes set within existing and new ‘watery’ parklands (along rivers, brooks and canal) that also provide new amenities and community facilities like information centres, cafes, creches, allotments, orchards, and forest schools, integrated into wider movement networks providing an active travel network as well as a place for leisure and relaxation.
Combined with the orbital parkland spaces, we are creating an active travel network embedded in habitat and biodiversity that reaches into the town centre along LTN 1/20 best practice spines and tentacles; a key component in helping the Council meet the AGT’s target of 50% zero carbon journeys across the town by 2033.
This ambitious project has been developing from day one through an extensive community co-design process, to build pride, stewardship and wonder within the community, as well as ensuring that this future park delivers for local people first and foremost. Urban Movement are leading this co-design process and have also created a bespoke project website to host online exhibitions of the team’s (consultant and community) work, all the time inviting comment and discussion.
The Gardenway is a fundamental element of the Aylesbury Garden Town masterplan which will link up existing Aylesbury neighbourhoods with the communities of new residential developments being built around its south and east edges. The Gardenway is a series of ‘braided’ walking and cycling routes set within existing and new ‘watery’ parklands (along rivers, brooks and canal) that also provide new amenities and community facilities like information centres, cafes, creches, allotments, orchards, and forest schools, integrated into wider movement networks providing an active travel network as well as a place for leisure and relaxation.
Combined with the orbital parkland spaces, we are creating an active travel network embedded in habitat and biodiversity that reaches into the town centre along LTN 1/20 best practice spines and tentacles; a key component in helping the Council meet the AGT’s target of 50% zero carbon journeys across the town by 2033.
This ambitious project has been developing from day one through an extensive community co-design process, to build pride, stewardship and wonder within the community, as well as ensuring that this future park delivers for local people first and foremost. Urban Movement are leading this co-design process and have also created a bespoke project website to host online exhibitions of the team’s (consultant and community) work, all the time inviting comment and discussion.